
The grades are as follows:

Pre-Primary – from 5 years old

Primary – from 6 years old

Grades 1

Grade 2

Grade 3 

Grade 4                

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

When a student reaches Grade 4, they may also, be invited to start the vocational grades which begin with Intermediate Foundation then Intermediate, then Advanced 1 & 2.

These grades are much more demanding and are designed for the more serious student, who may wish to pursue a career in dance.

These classes include “pointe work” and the teacher will decide when a student is strong enough to begin this training.

Royal Academy of Dance examinations are internationally recognised qualifications and are a good way to measure progress. 

From Primary grade (taken at approximately 6-7 years old), the examiner, who visits the school from the Royal Academy, conducts the exam. Only the examiner and c.d. operator watch the children perform.

If successful, their efforts are rewarded with a certificate, report and medal – bronze (pass), silver (merit) or gold (distinction).

In order for the children to be confident and fully prepared for these exams, two lessons per week are essential.